dimanche 16 novembre 2014

Shakespeare Rocks! Newsletter #4


For school students: 
Tuesday Nov 18th, 8:45-10:00 and 10:45-11:45am, 
Wednesday Nov 19th, 8:45-10:00 and 10:45-11:45am 
Thursday Nov 20th, 1:30-2:30pm 
For parents: 
Thursday Nov 20th,  7:00-8:00pm
Please reply to the Evite that has been sent to you with the number of attendees, that helps us set up accordingly.

Show program

Please check your name in the show program and edit or email hao@haoexpression.org when needed. (Tech crew names will be added by Tuesday morning).


We need parents backstage and on the sides to help children get in costume, have their hair tidy, wait quietly, and be on stage promptly with proper props and costumes. The children know all they need to know, parent chaperone's role is to support them. No experience needed.
Please put your name/ your child's name in the blue cells in Volunteers signup list

Wish list

- ink pot
- luth
- home painting brushes (used or new)


Actors: Wear close fitting clothing, plain white or black. NO JEANS! Hair tied up. Boys with bang please apply gel to clear the eyes. Bring script.
Costume & tech crew: wear plain black.

Notes to actors

Please handle props gently to avoid breaking them. They are just props, not real tools!

Hang up your costumes properly after each of the 6 performances. 

Show in the globe: Ben, Zain and Amit are added as lead dancers, they will stand on both sides of the singer. All other chorus stand on the risers. 

Builder scene: at announce of the queen, all builders kneel down. Others bow their head respectfully. Release only when the queen takes place next to Will. 

Change in costume: 
- apple seller and root beer seller: use grey costume (Naomi got something else), and leave the brown costume to builders. 
- Suzanna and Judith: wear hats that I put on your hangers
- Nic & Burbage: wear the cloak I prepare for you. Without it you look too contemporary
- Medha bow in Romeo dance costume

During the play: 
- there is enough space on both sides of the stage for you to sit and wait for your entrance. Sit there one scene before yours. If you see the audience, they can see you, so sit behind the curtain.

- act face to audience, eyes up chin up
- project your voice and articulate, stand on blue marks to be heard. 
- when singing, pay attention to the soundtrack and sound of the beat.
- be courteous on stage: use peripheral vision to avoid blocking someone else
- end of scene: freeze and wait for black out
- beginning of scene: try to come on stage during black out, and do not wait. (Al and Aubrey need to come on stage promptly).

- if you forget the bow order, check file Shakespeare Rocks!
- bow: look at the audience, acknowledge them, bow, then move to your place.
- as long as there is applaud, stay in place, look at audience, hold hands and bow respectfully when Amit & Nikkhil do.
- when applaud cease, run off stage toward art room, in neat rows.
- never chat/discuss on stage among yourselves. Wait until you are in the art room to talk.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, after dropping your bags in your classroom and roll call, go to the art room and put your first costume on. 
From now to performance days, get good sleep, keep hydrated, eat healthy, exercise, stay calm and focused.  

To Pursue Acting Aspiration

Some children said they wish to pursue further training in acting with me. Please check Movement Based Acting class in the Theater section at recreationclasses.insunnyvale.com  We are working on The Trojan Horse project. Current session started two weeks ago, the next session starts after the holidays break.

Actors who showed focus and leadership may be invited to be my assistants for the 4th grade musical. More info TBA.

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Movement Based Acting Instructor | Sunnyvale Community Center
Musical Theater Artistic Director | Stocklmeir Elementary School
Artistic Director | HaoExpression

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Shakespeare Rocks! - Newsletter #3

Schedule Changes

Please note that due to district and school schedule conflicts, the performance dates have changed to
Tuesday Nov 18th., 8:45-10:00 and 10:45-11:45am, 
Wednesday Nov 19th., 8:45-10:00 and 10:45-11:45am 
Thursday Nov 20.th , 1:30-2:30pm and 7:00-8:00pm

And, due to Book Fair, tech crew does not meet this week, actors will practice in room 20 at the same dates and time.


A reminder that I need all hair tied up. Bring script to all rehearsals to follow the play.

I will be available at lunch time to brush up small groups. Actors who wish to practice some more may meet me after they finish eating their lunch, for 30 minutes, in room 20 or on stage (location will be announced with the morning announcement.

- monday: scene 5
- tuesday: scene 6
- wednesday: scene 7
- thursday: scene 2
- friday: scene 3

Actors who sing in tune and are able to memorize more lines may audition for solo singing parts. Meet me any day after lunch. 

If you need to listen to a song, the complete play is at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/568368415447017664/ . Other clips are at http://www.pinterest.com/haoexpression/shakespeare-rocks/


All actors need to wear their own clothing for the first layer, white or black, tight fitting. 
Hair tied up, bang cleared. Clean socks.
Exception: sorcerers wear hair down, only when wearing sorcerers costume.


I've added volunteer spots for performance days.  Please put your name/ your child's name in the colored cells in this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kgbuW58tl41QtngI_7br7ZK099zZMy6DVQDp1BCeI2M/edit?usp=sharing.

We would also need a parent volunteer to supervise the making and gathering of props and sets.

Wish list

- ink pot & quill
- lute
- home painting brushes (used)
- gaudy high heel shoes
- cymbals
- drum
- trumpet
- white shirts with large sleeves (old style)
- old style pants
- red dance dress

Donation to PTA

If you have not donated to PTA for this program, it is still time to bring a check to the office or to me, payable to Stocklmeir PTA. This is after school program and is funded separately from donations to the school program. No child will be denied for lack of fund, if you have any question or concern please contact me or the PTA president.

Acting Class

This week my Acting classes at the Sunnyvale Community Center is free. Feel free to bring your children for a try out, if they like you can enroll them before the 2nd class. 
Acting uses your whole body! This process-oriented class employs Anna Halprin's Tamalpa Life-Art technique, similar to method acting, to help young actors discover and convey a character's emotions.  
Class begins with a ballet-based warm up and meditative centering and incorporates modern dance, acting exercises, drawing, word play and other creative activities. Parents are invited to watch the final class meeting. 
Class sessions build toward a performance of The Trojan Horse in the spring. Materials fee of $15 is due to instructor at first class meeting.
Level 1 - suitable for those with little or no performing experience.
Level 2 - for those who have taken at least one year of dance or movement, or have participated in a HaoExpression theater production.
For more info check with Sunnyvale Classes and Activities, and if you get the catalog, it's on page 18.

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Movement Based Acting Instructor | Sunnyvale Community Center
Musical Theater Artistic Director | Stocklmeir Elementary School
Artistic Director | HaoExpression