This week all the children who were present have auditioned. They were graded in: focus, eye contact, facial expression, body expression, spoken diction, sing in tune, voice quality, and dance. I was quite pleased with the overall result: the children applied on stage what I have been teaching them.
From the 60 performers I only got 44 Audition forms filled. I need 16 more forms to be filled. All performers must fill the form to help casting properly. Please help your child fill it by Sunday if he/she hasn't.
If you child was absent during the casting time frame, he/she can still perform as a group member.
A few moms seem very anxious about casting (more than their child). Please relax! I cast in a way that each child has room to grow technically, artistically and emotionally, at his/her own pace. My previous performers who are now in 5th grade can confirm to you about that. :)
As I already said, I won't be writing many newsletters because they take too much time, but I am transparent and all can be found through different online media:
- To get daily short reminders: follow me on
- To get a day to day info: you may "Like" and have a sneak peek into our days with the album Treasure Island in the Making (the pictures are blurred to preserve the children's privacy.)
- There are a few video clips I would love the children to watch, as our dances will be highly inspired by them. I pin them all on
This Saturday I will be performing with Cassand Ballet at 2pm and 7pm in The Wild Swans, a story ballet that the entire family can enjoy. Please take a look at the Synopsis in Picture, and I hope to see some of the children there. If they come please tell them to go say hi to me after the performance. Tickets can be purchased at BrownPaperTickets
If you have any question or concern please feel free to email me at
Happy holidays to you and yours,