vendredi 20 décembre 2013

Treasure Island Newsletter #03

We now have 106 children in the project, among them 60 performers. 

This week all the children who were present have auditioned. They were graded in: focus, eye contact, facial expression, body expression, spoken diction, sing in tune, voice quality, and dance. I was quite pleased with the overall result: the children applied on stage what I have been teaching them.

From the 60 performers I only got 44 Audition forms filled. I need 16 more forms to be filled. All performers must fill the form to help casting properly. Please help your child fill it by Sunday if he/she hasn't. 
If you child was absent during the casting time frame, he/she can still perform as a group member. 

A few moms seem very anxious about casting (more than their child). Please relax!  I cast in a way that each child has room to grow technically, artistically and emotionally, at his/her own pace. My previous performers who are now in 5th grade can confirm to you about that. :)

As I already said, I won't be writing many newsletters because they take too much time, but I am transparent and all can be found through different online media: 

This Saturday I will be performing with Cassand Ballet at 2pm and 7pm in The Wild Swans, a story ballet that the entire family can enjoy. Please take a look at the Synopsis in Picture, and I hope to see some of the children there. If they come please tell them to go say hi to me after the performance. Tickets can be purchased at BrownPaperTickets

If you have any question or concern please feel free to email me at

Happy holidays to you and yours,

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
4th Grade Musical Artistic Director

mercredi 4 décembre 2013

Treasure Island Newsletter #02

Dear Parents,

I got so many questions that here already comes Newsletter #2 :)

We have now 104 children, among them 58 actors. 
All children who audition will have a part, and all will have fun and will learn plenty even if they don't get the part they wished for. 

Parent chaperones sign up through Doodle: Chaperone signup . I won't send reminder so please check this link to know when you signed up for.

How chaperones can help: 
  • arrive by 3:05pm
  • help the children sign in 
  • help the children get ready: put backpacks in a corner to leave room for movements, tie hair, remove shoes
  • check for children who have not signed in. If they are not there, call their parents to know if everything is fine.
  • at the end help sign out. Stay with children who don't have permission to sign out on their own.

To the question: Is student allowed to checkout by him/herself, if you checked No and want to change to Yes, please send me an email. 

I would prefer parents ask questions after the rehearsal time, or email. Any minute I spend answering questions during rehearsal is a minute that I am away from the 58 children who need guidance. 

Costume, Scenery & Props meeting dates will be announced  as soon as I find a lead for each. 

Some parents did not receive Newsletter 1. Please check in your spam folder, if it's not there, please send me an email with your child's name. If you'd like to add another parent to the email list, please email me as well. In anycase, newsletters can be viewed at
Please note I am missing email address for

I loved it today to meet with your children! They showed focus, enthusiasm and potential.
I'd like to send a special wink to my former actors who will be helping at each rehearsal: I love seeing you there! Thank you for being the big brother and sisters to the 4th graders. 
And last but not least, thank you all parents for your help and support!


PS: I dance in The Wild Swans at Cassand Ballet. I hope to see you there:

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
4th Grade Musical Artistic Director

mardi 3 décembre 2013

Treasure Island Newsletter #01

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Treasure Island project! 
We have a total of 100 children: 55 actors (34 girls, 21 boys), 14 costumes crew, 18 Scenery & Props, 28 Tech 28. You can check your child's name in the 4G Musical Treasure Island reference document (one sheet per group). 

Answers to questions I've received: 
  • If you have not sent the donation, you may do so at anytime at the office. 
  • Parent helpers may be another child if he/she does not disrupt the program or prevent you from helping. 
Please note that Actors cannot be Tech. Parents of Harshith, Erika, Nishant, Riya, Shreeya please get back to me to confirm if your child prefers to be an actor or a tech crew. 

I will not be writing many emails, but will update latest news on my webpage so please plan to visit it once a week. 
I am transparent in my process and all of my thoughts will be visible in different spreadsheets in the 4G Musical Treasure Island reference document.
You may also follow me on and

I am starting to collect in kind donation for the shows: Barrels, tricorne hats, red bandanas, red sash, white and ivory large sleeve shirts, black pirate jackets, a conch cone, kazoos, african drum, treasure chest & treasures. If you have any of those, please send them to the GLC (email me before so I can be prepared to receive them).

Actors will meet for the first time this Wednesday!  I have a dance, voice and acting background and will use all of that in the musicals I direct. Your children will develop techniques and artistry in acting, singing and dancing. 
Actors' parents please plan to send your child to the GLC in soft clothing that allows for large movements (but not baggy pants or shirts as I need to see the lines). The children will be asked to remove their shoes during practices. They may wear socks or soft sole dance or gymnastic shoes. Hair should be tied back and bangs be cleared: we work on facial expression and I need to see the entire face. You may send in your child's backpack some hair ties and hair clips. 
I plan to take time to get to know the actors and get them to know me and my methods during the two first weeks. Audition will be on the third week, by alphabetical order of first name (Wed 12/18 A-N, Thu 12/19 P-Z) in front of an audience. The children should fill the Audition form (with your help) only after they have read the script. Casting will be announced by Monday Jan 6.

If you have question or concern please don't hesitate to contact me at

Looking forward for an enriching journey together!

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Stocklmeir 4th grade Musical Artistic Director