I got so many questions that here already comes Newsletter #2 :)
We have now 104 children, among them 58 actors.
All children who audition will have a part, and all will have fun and will learn plenty even if they don't get the part they wished for.
Parent chaperones sign up through Doodle: Chaperone signup . I won't send reminder so please check this link to know when you signed up for.
How chaperones can help:
- arrive by 3:05pm
- help the children sign in
- help the children get ready: put backpacks in a corner to leave room for movements, tie hair, remove shoes
- check for children who have not signed in. If they are not there, call their parents to know if everything is fine.
- at the end help sign out. Stay with children who don't have permission to sign out on their own.
To the question: Is student allowed to checkout by him/herself, if you checked No and want to change to Yes, please send me an email.
I would prefer parents ask questions after the rehearsal time, or email. Any minute I spend answering questions during rehearsal is a minute that I am away from the 58 children who need guidance.
Costume, Scenery & Props meeting dates will be announced as soon as I find a lead for each.
Some parents did not receive Newsletter 1. Please check in your spam folder, if it's not there, please send me an email with your child's name. If you'd like to add another parent to the email list, please email me as well. In anycase, newsletters can be viewed at http://haoexpression.blogspot.com.
Please note I am missing email address for
Please note I am missing email address for
Erika | Rokicki | F | 42 |
Rajiv | Mohan | M | 45 |
I loved it today to meet with your children! They showed focus, enthusiasm and potential.
I'd like to send a special wink to my former actors who will be helping at each rehearsal: I love seeing you there! Thank you for being the big brother and sisters to the 4th graders.
And last but not least, thank you all parents for your help and support!
Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
4th Grade Musical Artistic Director
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