dimanche 2 février 2014

Treasure Island Newsletter #8

Parents, please have your children read the newsletters or read it with them. Reading only the paragraph addressing their group and this would be enough. Thank you!

Paragraphs are in alphabetical order
  1. Assistants & Parents
  2. Costume crew
  3. Performers
  4. Props & Sets crew
  5. Tech crew
  6. Wish list 
1. Assistants & Parents

5th grade Assistants and Parents: Please sit with the children on both sides of the wings, help them focus, follow with their script, and know when to get ready to go on stage. You may help them recite their lines or practice their dance moves, quietly. 
I'd need 2 stage managers per wing to make sure the performers take stage in a timely manner. You'd do this until a Tech crew member is ready to take over this function. 

8th grade Assistants: please shadow me this week so that next week you'll run the rehearsals while I'll be with Tech crew. 

Thank you all for your help!

2. Costume Crew

All the skirts and accessories are cut and sowed. Parents helpers will now take over to finish the headdresses. Thank you for the great work! It has been a pleasure working with you for the past three weeks. 

3. Performers

We are only 3 weeks shy from the performances, and it has been two weeks that I asked you to know your parts by heart, because acting is not just about reciting the text, it is knowing it so well that you can express it with your entire body. 
This week is the last I can fully focus on you: starting next week I will run the tech rehearsal with the Tech crew, and you will rehearse without my constant supervision. 

From my observation last week that most of you did not know your lines, I am now setting up plan B: I am offering to all performers who wish to have more lines, to be understudies of performers whom I saw didn't know their lines, or were hesitant about when to say them, or were absent. 

I know that 4th graders can learn lines in no time if they set their heart and mind into it. Please check the Reference Document to see if you are offered an understudy part, or if you have an understudy. (The list has changed from what you saw last week).

On Wednesday and Thursday, anyone who does not master her/his part will see her/his role given to or shared with an understudy. 

Sailors and Natives: you do have lines here and there in the script. Please browse it, underline your lines and the lines before so you are ready to say them. Please also learn the  songs by heart.

Natives who still need a headdress, please come to the GLC at lunch time and meet with Mrs Jain.

This week, please wear the costume you will use at the performances. We'll take pictures for advertisement purpose. 

If you have any question or concern, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

4. Props & Sets

Props and Sets crew will come to the GLC at lunch time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to work with Mrs Harvey and parents

We also still need: 
- 4 eyeglasses from pipe cleaners for Jims (red white)
- an old map (off white)
- mugs (brown, red)
- 2 black spots (black)
- 1 spyglass (black)
- 1 plate w. tofu patie & bean sprout 
- finish wrapping boxes for sailors to carry (brown) 
- prepare a box with swords, 1 box with mugs
- saw a cane for Blind Pew (white)
- add leaves to the palm trees
- cut 3 clouds (white)
- make hut (brown)

5. Tech crew

Rehearsals start 2nd week of February, Wednesday Thursday 3:15-4:30pm. 
  1. light, 8
  2. sound, 2
  3. curtain, 2
  4. stage hands, 4
  5. stage managers, 4
  6. photo, 3
  7. video, 2
6. Wish list
  • Drums for loan until March 6
  • Empty plastic bottles of Coke (for bottles of rhum)
  • Toy crowns & jewels
  • Black, white, red clothing that you don't use at home.

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Expressive Coach & Artistic Director
HaoExpression || www.HaoExpression.org
Follow us on Facebook || www.facebook.com/HaoExpression

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