mardi 10 juin 2014

The Little Prince - Newsletter #4

Recital Sunday 6/8/2014

Congratulations to all actors for a awesome performance! Only 4 weeks and we could all notice your growth in expression and artistry!
There were many beautiful images to remember but I was unfortunately too busy to capture :/

Summer Camps

Camps 1, 2, and 3 - 7/7-7/11, 7/14-7/18, 7/28-8/1

I am reorganizing my Summer Camps and adding more availabilities. All camps are now for 6-16 yrs old, and all weeks give possibility to attend half camp (AM or PM) or full camp. 
The 3 weeks offered are 7/7-7/11, 7/14-7/18, 7/28-8/1 and are all taking new students. 
Full camps: 9am-3pm, $300; Half camps: 9am-12pm or 12pm-3pm, $150 
All campers are eligible to perform in the full length production of The Little Prince in September at Theater You.
Please check the new dates and availabilities, and I hope your child will take part of this exciting journey! 
Info and Registration click here.
Camp 4 - 8/4-8/8 transferred to Sunnyvale Community Center

I was offered to teach Int/Adv Musical Theater Camp at the Sunnyvale Community Center  8/4-8/8 have accepted. The few students who have signed up for that week may take the camp at the Center or choose to attend one of my other camps on 7/7-7/11, 7/14-7/18, or 7/28-8/1.  I am sorry if this causes you any inconvenience.
This Int/Adv camp is offered to children 8-17 years old who have attended 2 Musical Theater camps at the Center, but exception would be made to my students if I refer them.
Please contact me if your child (7 y-o and up) has worked with me and needs referral to sign up there.


SUN   Sept 21 - 2pm
SAT  Sept 27 - 7pm
SUN  Sept 28 - 2pm
Theater You - Mountain View

Have a nice rest, and I'll see some of you in July!

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Expressive Coach | Artistic Director
HaoExpression ||
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lundi 2 juin 2014

The Little Prince - Newsletter #3

We are week 3 of the Sunday series and I am quite pleased with what I see.  The studen have learned several techniques to improve acting and stage presence.

Next Sunday, the last of the series, all students to attend 3pm-6pm.  It's a long session so please pack a snack and water.

Performance & potluck:
We invite you all to attend an informal studio performance at 5:30pm
  • 5:30pm - Performance.  The students will present a short excerpt from each of the scenes they have practiced.
  • 5:45pm - Potluck.  Please bring a snack or drink to share. I'll provide paper goods. 
At the end of the performance I will give more info on the theater performances, and during the potluck I will answer any questions you may have.
If you know anyone interested in being part of the project, please invite them as well.

  1. Learn and practice 3 lines of your part. Remember to apply all you've learned today, and do bigger each time.
  2. Practice the song "Everything you search" (listen to the music)
  3. Help me translate " The eyes are blind, one must look with the heart" in your parent's language: add the sentence in The Little Prince - Shared Doc (the sentences in black are from Google translate and not reliable. I count on ... human beings to help translate correctly :)). Once you are sure the sentence is usable, please turn the cell into green.
  4. If you play the role of the Little Prince, please bring/wear white top and bottom. No pressure if you don't have. It's a casual performance. Other roles: dress the nearest to your character. Bring your props.
Show order:
On My Planet'
The King
The Businessman
The Snake
The Rose Garden
The Fox
The eyes are blind
Curtain Call
Everything you search

Useful Links:
If you need to access any document info, please go to my website, page Musical, and on right column, click on The Little Prince Doc. All documents are on going process (i.e. casting) so please take it lightly!
- sheet Link: link to the script and other documents.
- sheet Songs & Music: link to the songs that the students need to listen to and practice.
- sheet Sunday performance: the Sunday performance program.
- sheet Musical Numbers: the show program. Cast is tentative, I am trying to adjust according to availability and ability of the students.

Notes on script:
I write the script based on the performers I have: availability, commitment, ability.  All singing parts have an equivalent speaking part.  I am aware the songs are difficult and sometimes I added per students wish.
You may switch back to the speaking version if you find the songs too challenging. Please keep me posted on your choices, because I'd have to change the script: the speaking text is taken from Antoine de Saint-Exupery's book, and the songs are from Rachel Portman's opera.
You may simplify the sentences to fit your age and era. I find the English official translation too complicated. The original French version is plain simple and goes straight to the heart.

Last but not least:
Mrs Nolwenn and Mr Maxim won't make it next Sunday.  We'd like to send a big thank you to Mrs. Nolwenn for her fun warmups and lively theater techniques coaching, and to Mr. Maxim for his beautiful guitar accompaniment.

Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Expressive Coach | Artistic Director
HaoExpression ||