Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had a chance to relax a bit! December is going to be a busy month for us, please read through this email as it contains some important information with regards to the upcoming classes and events.
Classes and Programs:
1. Youth Program: New Quarter started this week. Please turn in your tuition as soon as possible if you have not already done so.
2. You requested, and we listened! New Classes and new times:
· Ballet 3-6yo - WED 5:15-6pm (New Class!)
· Ballet 7-11yo - WED 4:15-5:15pm (New Time)
· Creative Expression 7-11yo WED 3:15-4:15pm (New Time)
3. We have transitioned to the new registration system Pike13! Please go to haoexpression.pike13.com as soon as possible to:
· update or create your account
· sign waivers
· enroll for classes
Email info@haoexpression.org or see Hao at the studio with any questions.
4. No classes on Monday 12/10. Take a well-deserved day off after the Winter Expression performance. (Class in Sunnyvale on going)
Winter Expression 2018: Dec 08 Saturday, 4pm, 5:30pm, and 7pm
We are so excited about the upcoming performances this weekend. The 4pm show is completely SOLD OUT. If you or your child perform only in this show and still need tickets, please email info@haoexpression.org to be put on a wait list.
Please get your tickets for the 5:30pm and the 7pm shows ASAP, tickets are almost sold out!
Paper tickets are available at the studio and at the Movement-based Acting classes in Sunnyvale.
Performance program can be found here: https://www. haoexpression.com/winter18. html
Happy Advent! Happy Hannukah! And keep on dancing!
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