lundi 13 janvier 2014

Treasure Island Newsletter #5


Some children signed up for several tasks. Due the high number participants, the school is asking performers to not additionally participate in other activities such as costume, scenery & props or tech crew, to leave enough "job" for everyone to do.  :)
Please look at sheet Costume of file Treasure Island Reference Document, columns "1st layer: self provided". Most children are asked to wear white top and bottom. If the children have them at home, I'd love to see them wear on Thursday, so that I can try out the 2nd layer on them. 

Children who have speaking roles, please look for inspirations on my Treasure Island Pinterest board (scroll down for pirate's costumes) and gather what ever you have at home that's black, red and white and that can make a pirate costume, and show me this week. 

5th grade & teen helpers

Children who have worked with me in last year's musical and know my routines are welcome to chaperone the 4th graders. This also include children who were in props, sets and costume crews. If your child would like to help, please sign her/him up through the helpers's signup form.  Per the school's request, all helpers must be registered to participate. 

Lunch time chaperone

I'd need parents to chaperone activities in the GLC, Monday through Friday 12:30-1:30pm, any day that you can. Children will gather there to make costumes, scenery and props. Please sign up through this Doodle link to chaperone. 

Costume crew

I've pinned my wish for costumes on Treasure Island Pinterest board. Please take a look!
We will start making costumes this week. Children may bring their lunch to the GLC Tuesday through Friday this week. 


Props crew will make trays of food for the natives. Children may bring their lunch to the GLC Tuesday through Friday. 
We'd love to get donation of 2 large palm leaves to make 2 fans for Ben Gun. 


Mrs Harvey will be directing the Scenery crew and will announce when she'll need the students and parents to come in. 

Sneak peak

Want a sneak peak into your child's time on Treasure Island musical?  See album Treasure Island in the Making on HaoExpression Facebook page.


Hao Bach-Thai Lueckhoff
Artistic Director
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